Saving Our Rivers And Streams For Future Generations
Together We Can Make A Difference
Carr China Project
Save the Tygart Receives EPA Brownfields Cleanup Grant
In January of 2019, Save the Tygart Watershed association acquired a 7.39 acre parcel of land in the Parkview neighborhood of Grafton, WV. The proper-ty, located on the site of the former Carr China plant was donated to STTWA by the Taylor County Com-mission because soils from the site held residual pollu-tants such as lead from manufacturing processes used at the plant years ago. The property had previously been the site of efforts by the U.S. Environmental Pro-tection Agency (EPA) to remove lead-contaminated soils. However, residual contamination remained and the site was designated as a Brownfield.
In the fall of 2018, STTWA, along with mem-bers of the WV Department of Environmental Protec-tion and the Northern WV Brownfields assistance cen-ter began the process of applying for an EPA Brown-fields Cleanup Grant, a monetary award designed to assist organizations with the cleanup of contaminated properties to be developed for future economic or rec-reational use. The grant proposal was submitted in late January 2019.
In June, STTWA was notified that it was one of 8 recipients of EPA Brownfields grant funds in WV. STTWA was awarded $200,000 in federal fund-ing and will provide $40,000 in matching funding or in-kind services. Using this funding, STTWA plans to remediate the Carr China property in preparation for redevelopment as a community recreational site as well as a location for an STTWA office and water testing lab.
In the coming years, STTWA will need much support from organizations and individuals in the community to make this project a success!